By Mark Squibb
You’re likely to see more advertising at the Paradise Double Ice Complex in the near future.
The Town inked a deal with Score Group Canada for advertising rights at both rinks during the November 19 public council meeting.
Councillor Patrick Martin explained that staff have been working with Score Group on the chance to purchase the naming rights for Rink A and Rink B, and the company offered to pay $12,500, HST included, per year for three years for the naming rights for both rinks.
To date, said Martin, no other companies have expressed interest.
The contract would allow Score to advertise outside the arena entrance, along the rink boards, within the lobby, and on lobby monitors.
“This is a good news story,” said Martin, “We’ve been trying to do this for a while, and I know one of our staff was working very hard to get this done, she was at this for a year going back and forth with this company. This is a good commitment.”
Deputy Mayor Kim Street added the deal is an exciting one, and the motion was approved unanimously.